Future of the Force

Book Review | Leia: Princess of Alderaan (A Second Opinion)

Liam offers an alternative perspective on Claudia Gray’s superb Leia: Princess of Alderaan adventure…

Leia Organa is one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars franchise, if not films entirely. As a leader of the Rebel Alliance and now the Resistance, Leia has been fighting for freedom all her life.

Leia: Princess of Alderaan | by Claudia Gray


The story takes places a few years prior to the events of A New Hope and shows Leia’s journey into the world of politics at such a young age and how she becomes aware of her parents’ involvement in a rebellious plot.  This story is really strong in the way it shows how Leia earns her place in the rebellion; it wasn’t a matter of being given a place due to her father being Bail Organa, she worked hard and put her skills to use for the greater good.

The book explores the relationship between Leia and her parents Breha and Bail Organa in more depth than ever before. Both Bail and Breha did not want Leia to get herself involved in the rebellion, leaving her to discover it for herself. Claudia Gray’s use of Breha Organa was excellent and really showed how vital she was to the beginnings of the rebellion. Due to seeing him more in the films and previous literature, it always seemed as if Bail was more heavily involved within the political aspects of life, whereas the book makes a point of showing how Breha’s involvement was just as important, if not more.

“He taught me so much about politics, leadership, and war, but above all he taught me that no price is too great to pay for our ideals. Bail Organa was willing to die if that meant the Empire would fall. He believed in the New Republic we have been able to create, and in the promise of fair, equal government for everyone under the law.”―Leia Organa memorializes her father, Bail Organa

Although the book predominantly focuses on Leia’s relationship with her parents, the supporting characters add another layer to this remarkable story. First of all is fellow Alderaanian Keir Domadi with whom Leia sparks a romance with during her teenage years.

“Then there’s this girl from Gatalenta named Amilyn Holdo who is…let’s say, a little odd.”
“I trust your judgement, Leia, but don’t be too quick to write people off. Sometimes they can surprise you.”
―Leia and Bail Organa

The stand out for me was Amilyn Holdo, this name should be familiar to most people as she played a big part in The Last JediGray gives readers a better understanding of the character as well as delving into her eccentricities which viewers get a small insight to during the film as her screen debut showcased her with bright pink hair.

Although Star Wars fans already know the outcome of the war brewing up during the book, readers get a real sense of tension when Grand Moff Tarkin is introduced to the story. The story delved into the relationship between Leia and Tarkin and gives a clearer understanding of the dialogue between the two in A New Hope. 

It is evident from the start that Claudia Gray truly understands Leia as a character, the culture of Alderaan as well as the Organa’s involvement with the rebellion. The book also features several tie-ins to other films and literature including one of Gray’s other Star Wars books Bloodline. In addition to this, Gray reminds readers of everything that was lost when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan during the events of A New Hope.

Final Thoughts:

Leia: Princess of Alderaan is a must read for any Star Wars fan, and a great addition to the canon novels.


Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray is published by Egmont in the UK and is available to buy from all good retailers now.


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