Future of the Force

Book Review | Star Wars: Droidography

Master the nuts and bolts of your favorite droids in Harper Collins’ Droidography

Droids have always been at the heart of Star Wars, from the classic adventures of C-3PO and R2-D2 to the valiant exploits of BB-8 in the latest episodes of the saga. Harper Collins’ new non-fiction Star Wars book for young fans, Droidography, is a humorous biography of the galaxy’s mechanical lifeforms that is sure to please. In it, the former battle droid and nanny to the Freemakers, Roger, gives a rundown of all the droids from our favorite galaxy far, far away.

Star Wars: Droidography | by Mark Sumerac

Book Review | Star Wars: Droidography

Written as if written by Roger himself with a healthy dose of tongue-in-cheek humor and puns (my favorite), this book is a biography of all the droids we’ve come to love, and even some we’ve come to hate. Organized into sections by droid type, and then broken down into the various models and sub-types, this book tells readers about droids from the most basic mouse droid to the more complex medical droids.

The text is accompanied by full-color illustrations of all the droids featured. Plus, there are pop-ups, fold-outs, and flip-ups. My favorites were the pop-up R2-D2 with the antenna that pops up when you push a tab, a decoder for English – Aurebesh – Trade Federation (even if the holes in my copy weren’t exactly lined up), and a fold-out wanted poster of Han Solo.

The book featured droids from all different Star Wars media: movies, TV shows, comics, and books. There were also references to events in several different stories from all across the Star Wars canon.

Overall, I’d say this book is an excellent addition to the non-fiction guides to the Star Wars universe.

Star Wars: Droidography by Mark Sumerac is published by Harper Collins and is available to buy NOW!

The Future of the Force. The future of pop culture writing.

Melissa Villy is a regular Staff Writer for Future of the Force. She is a passionate Star Wars fan and is the custodian of the FOTF Jedi Archives. Follow her on Twitter @JediLibrarian42 where she uses the force frequently!

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