Future of the Force

Isolation Entertainment | The Spider-Man Trilogy

Max is on hand with his recommendation of what to watch whilst in self-quarantine.

To help beat the coronavirus blues, for the foreseeable future, members of team Future of the Force will be on hand with our recommendations of awesome entertainment to check out whilst in self-quarantine. Whether its the best TV shows, ultimate movie marathons or lesser-known gems, we’ll be here to keep you entertained during this difficult time.

The Spider-Man Trilogy

The Spider-Man Trilogy

If you love Spider-Man, then the trilogy of “original” Spider-Man movies by Sam Raimi is perfect for you. Made in the early to mid-2000s, it has just the right amount of special effects that will satisfy the digital generation but also not make you roll your eyes at the overkill. Toby Maguire stars as Spidey and despite what my close friends say, I think he is an excellent actor and really captures the essence of Peter Parker. Kirsten Dunst plays Mary Jane and she is the perfect blend of beauty and acting chops. The first and second one I have to say are masterpieces (the 3rd one is ok). 1 has the Green Goblin as the villain and Doc Ock is baddie for number 2. 3 is a little overstocked in the villain’s department but every story needs closure so include it as well.

Let us know if you have any suggestions of great movies or TV shows our readers should check out and we’ll feature and share them with the FOTF community.

Stay safe.


The Future of the Force. The future of pop culture writing.


Max Nocerino is a new addition to the Future of the Force roster. He is a passionate Star Wars fan and loves the literature of the galaxy far, far away. Follow him on Twitter @MaxN2100 where he channels his passion frequently!


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