Future of the Force

Holy Cameo Batman! | Burt Ward to Feature in Batwoman/Crisis on Infinite Earths

The original boy wonder to make a special appearance in the Arrowverse crossover

We have exciting news.

It has been confirmed that Batman: The Classic Series legend and original Robin Burt Ward will be making a special guest appearance during the highly anticipated “Crisis on Infinite Earths” Arrowverse crossover event.


The news broke during the Batwoman panel at San Diego Comic-Con this past Saturday where executive producer Caroline Dries confirmed, “We’re currently working on the crossover. We’ve got a ton, a ton, a ton of characters coming into the five-part event, but Burt Ward will be making an appearance.”

Burt Ward is the second-high profile actor to make a triumphant return to the DC Universe for Crisis on Infinite Earths. Just days ago, Brandon Routh was confirmed to be reprising his role as Superman from Superman Returns and now one half of the original Caped Crusaders is joining the party.


It is unknown whether Ward will be bringing a seasoned version of his boy wonder to the screen or whether it will be a “special guest star” role as a secondary character, but either way, it’s going to be wonderful to see the Batman legend back in the DC Universe.

Ward had recently returned to the role of Robin for the magnificent animated movies Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders and Batman Vs Two-Face. But sadly, the tragic passing of the legendary Adam West cut the triumphant return short and curtailed the possibility of future animated movies.

Either way, it’s an absolute pleasure to see him back where he belongs…protecting the citizens from those dastardly villains!

To the Batmobile!!


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