Funko POP! Unveil All-New Star Wars Festive Friends

Celebrate the holidays with new festive Funko figures of Darth Vader, Jedi Master Yoda, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2.

With the festive period fast approaching, Funko has unveiled its latest line of Star Wars inspired POP! figurines which will be arriving on store shelves in the coming months. Many of the greatest characters from the galaxy far, far away are getting a festive makeover with the addition of a few Chase Variant rarities.

These characters will be highly sought after and will bring some much needed Star Wars cheer to our festive proceedings, especially considering we will be without a new Star Wars movie for the first time in four years.

Check them out:

Celebrate the holidays with Darth Vader, legendary Jedi Master Yoda, Wookiee warrior Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2. The Darth Vader Chase has a glow in the dark candy cane.
Collect them all this Fall!



Kudos Funko, the festive Force is with you.

Will you be buying these awesome festive Funko figures? Drop us a line and share your thoughts.


The Future of the Force. The future of pop culture writing.


Source: Funko

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