E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

Anthony detours into the E.T. Universe and encounters the hallmarks of the galaxy far, far away. Here, Star Wars meets the Extra-Terrestrial.

In the timeless tale of ‘E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial,’ a surprising twist awaits: nestled within its heartwarming story of friendship lies a subtle nod to another science fiction titan, ‘Star Wars.

References to our favorite galaxy far, far away are sprinkled throughout the movie. Whether you noticed these allusions to Star Wars when you first watched E.T. in theatres way back in 1982 or caught them on subsequent rewatches on VHS or DVD, they are there. None more so than Elliott’s bedroom, where a cosmic fusion takes shape, seamlessly intertwining the enchantment of E.T. with the iconic universe forged by George Lucas.

E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial
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Among the toys in his room lie subtle references to the groundbreaking space opera that defined an era. The presence of Kenner Star Wars action figures and toys scattered throughout is a testament to the profound cultural impact of Lucas’ creation. Look closely among the shadows and corners of Elliott’s room, and you’ll see a Hoth playset, Han Solo’s blaster, Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer, and a Twin-Pod Cloud Car. Dangling from the ceiling above Elliott’s bed is an X-Wing and TIE fighter engaged in a dogfight reminiscent of the Death Star run in ‘A New Hope.

In a heartwarming scene, Elliott presents E.T. with a collection of action figures. Included in the set were Greedo, Hammerhead, Walrus Man, Snaggletooth, Lando Calrissian, and Boba Fett. Pointing to each figure, Elliott explains, “These are toys. Little men. This is Greedo. And then this is Hammerhead. You see, this is Walrus Man. And then this is Snaggletooth. And this is Lando Calrissian. See? And this is Boba Fett. Look. They can even have wars.”

And here’s a tiny bit of trivia. This is the first time in cinema history we hear the name Boba Fett. He wasn’t mentioned by name in ‘The Empire Strikes Back‘. But he was in ‘Return of the Jedi,’ which came out a year later in 1983. The plethora of toys in ‘E.T.’ not only reflects the pop culture landscape of the early 1980s but symbolizes the profound influence of ‘Star Wars‘ on Spielberg and his contemporaries.

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Spielberg creates a nostalgic tapestry that resonates across generations by intertwining these two worlds. Diving further into the movie unveils more connections to ‘Star Wars‘ beyond the toys. Amidst the notion of Halloween trick-or-treating, a subtle yet significant link to the galaxy far, far away emerges. As Elliott, disguised as a ghost, and E.T. (concealed beneath a makeshift sheet) wander their neighborhood, they encounter a fellow reveler dressed as the wise Jedi Master, Yoda.

“Home, Home,” E.T. calls out as he rushes toward the Jedi Master. This brilliant gag serves as another homage to Lucas’ creation. It smoothly bridges the realms of ‘E.T.’ and ‘Star Wars’ in an unexpected moment of synergy. Even the scene’s orange and yellow hues and tones remind us of the landscape of Tatooine. Listen carefully, and you’ll notice how composer John Williams drops a few beats of ‘Yoda’s Theme’ during the scene.

Yoda in E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial


In a mutual gesture of camaraderie, Lucas reciprocated by featuring members of E.T.’s species in the Senate scene from Star Wars: Episode I—The Phantom Menace. This clever Easter Egg not only pays homage to Spielberg’s beloved character but also reinforces the interconnectedness of the two cinematic universes. It celebrates the enduring friendship between two visionary filmmakers.

Beyond visual references, ‘E.T.’ shares thematic parallels with ‘Star Wars,’ exploring timeless themes of friendship, courage, and hope. Both films follow unlikely heroes on perilous journeys, triumphing over adversity through the strength of their bonds. In this regard, ‘E.T.’ is a spiritual companion to ‘Star Wars,’ offering its unique interpretation of universal themes.


The exhilarating bicycle flight scene – created by the VFX artists at Industrial Light and Magic – also mirrors the epic space battles of Star Wars. It transports viewers to a realm where possibilities are endless. This connection serves as a testament to the collaborative efforts of Spielberg and Lucas, who revolutionized the sci-fi genre and reshaped modern cinema.

Moreover, the parallels between ‘E.T.’ and ‘Star Wars‘ extend beyond filmmaking, encompassing their broader cultural impact. Both movies have left an indelible mark on popular culture, inspiring generations of filmmakers and storytellers. From merchandise empires to cultural icons, the legacies of these films continue to resonate with audiences worldwide.

‘E.T.’ is a timeless testament to the power of friendship and imagination. Through its subtle connections to ‘Star Wars,’ Spielberg pays homage to Lucas’ groundbreaking creation while crafting a cinematic experience that is uniquely his own. As audiences rewatch the enchanting world of ‘E.T.’ and the galaxy far, far away, we are reminded of the enduring magic of storytelling and the profound impact of these iconic films on our collective imagination.






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